Fastest CRM Experience for Shipping and Logistic Businesses When Using Salesforce


Post the Covid-19 pandemic, the total number of internet users and online spending has constantly been rising. Since then, online businesses have been growing rapidly. For all the online businesses that sell physical products, shipping and logistic services have become one of the most important aspects of the entire process.

Most online businesses are looking for transparent and easy shipping and logistics these days. However, the e-commerce industry has been evolving rapidly. Hence, it becomes extremely important for online businesses to invest in shipping and logistic services to meet their customers' expectations. This has led to the rise in the number of shipping and logistics businesses across the globe.

Shipping and logistics is a process that involves everything starting from the transportation of finished goods passing through the entire supply chain to the end customer shipments. It is basically an e-commerce supply chain that comes with an exact strategy of transportation of all the finished goods to the desired destination.

Shipping and logistic businesses help various e-commerce stores to meet their exact customer expectations in their whole supply chain. They help businesses to deliver timely services, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction and add value to all their goods and services by simply focusing on the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire process.

Origin and History of Shipping and Logistic Businesses

The terms' shipping' and 'logistics' have existed since the system of trading was invented. Hence, there is nothing new about shipping and logistics. However, as the trading system has evolved over the years, the shipping and logistics strategies have also evolved.

The term 'logistics' originated from the French word 'logistique', which means storage. It is generally referred to as a system that involves the transportation of goods and information from the original destination to the place as preferred by the customer. The shipping and logistics include transportation, stock management, data management, raw material management, packing, and so much more.

The Current Shipping and Logistic Scenario

Shipping and logistic companies often face disruptions and irregularities in terms of potential and meeting up the expected customer base. Most of these disruptions are always related to each other. Hence, focusing on and trying to improve these disruptions will help these businesses explore various opportunities in the long term. Some of these most common disruptions may include the following:

  • Customer expectations

    The constantly evolving customer experiences are the ones that shape the business environment. These days, customers demand faster delivery of the goods at low or no delivery costs. This is what directly impacts the shipping and logistics businesses the most.

    The constantly evolving customer experiences are the ones that shape the business environment. These days, customers demand faster delivery of the goods at low or no delivery costs. This is what directly impacts the shipping and logistics businesses the most.

  • Technological advancements

    Technology has been changing at a relatively faster pace. The shipping and logistics businesses need to start making the use of the latest technologies to lower their costs and improve their efficiency and productivity to satisfy their customer's demands.

  • New competitors

    The rapidly changing business environment and technologies lead a cut-throat competition in the industry. Hence, a lot of new business models and technologies are being introduced in the shipping and logistics industry.

    It can very well be said that the latest technologies and the customers are the ones that are shaping and re-shaping the entire shipping and logistics industry.

Role of CRM in Shipping and Logistic Business

Since the 21st century, the shipping and logistics businesses have been emerging at a fast pace to help the other businesses to meet their customer expectation. In fact, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the shipping and logistic industry played a crucial role in the entire supply chain of food, medications, etc. However, most of the time, the shipping and logistic companies struggle a lot to meet up and face difficult end-market conditions.

But, if the shipping and logistics companies start focusing on serving and retaining the existing customers, the companies will be able to maintain their revenues. They can further try making plans to add a new customer base. Therefore, including the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in the entire shipping and logistics process works as a game-changer for the shipping and logistics companies.

As it is said, 'customer is the king of the market', and the success of every business depends on higher customer satisfaction. The customers are the ones who influence the sales directly. In the shipping and logistic industry, customer satisfaction affects sales very quickly. Hence, shipping and logistic companies need to empower a robust CRM strategy to boost sales and create a strong customer base.

Due to the rapidly changing business environment, the importance of CRM is increasing in every industry. Hence, here are the advantages that CRM offers the shipping and logistic companies to keep growing their business.

  • Customer relations are crucial.

    One of the main reasons for using CRM solutions in shipping and logistic businesses is to build and maintain strong customer relationships. Most of the time, due to a large number of shipments, businesses fail to maintain a positive end-user relationship. The quality of the customer service needs to be tracked down regularly. Otherwise, businesses may end up losing their potential customers. Using CRM also allows businesses to centralise their data and create an extremely productive workspace while contacting customers.

  • Forecasting to keep your team on track

    The CRM is a system that uses actionable data, designs custom dashboards, and allows businesses to do in-depth research and get the required insights. This, in turn, allows the businesses to make better decisions. The CRM system solutions also help businesses to get accurate forecasts and a user-friendly interface.

  • Automation

    In today's era, automation and artificial intelligence have been trending in almost every industry. And the shipping and logistics industry is no different. It has actively incorporated all the latest automation systems to automate time-consuming tasks. All the latest advanced automotive CRM solutions help businesses reduce human efforts and errors, create a better workforce, collaborate better, etc. The CRM system enhances work productivity and streamlines workflows with the latest diverse automation techniques. Hence, this results in high customer satisfaction.

    Systematic activities

    The CRM system solutions allow the shipping and logistic businesses to learn to prioritise their tasks. All the information related to the customers and the shipments can be tracked down with the help of CRM solutions. It allows the shipping and logistics companies to make better delivery choices/ decisions.

    Order management

    With the help of CRM system solutions, the shipping and logistic businesses will be able to collect and track all the valuable data, convert the orders into details, etc. As a result, the shipping and logistic companies are able to manage every order effectively.

Ways to Improve CRM Experience in Shipping and Logistic Businesses When Using Salesforce

Businesses these days are trying to focus more on retaining the existing customer than on attracting new ones. This is because of the constantly evolving market. Hence, here are some ways to improve the most common CRM problems in the shipping and logistic businesses.

Quick response to the customers

Replying to the customers quickly is one of the most extremely important aspects of customer service. If your customer service doesn't have any visibility, your customers will start decreasing instantly. CRM is a logistic engagement software that integrates effectively with order processing, warehouse management, forecast accuracy, collaboration, real-time visibility, etc. As a result, it will empower the sales and support teams to respond proactively.

Grab selling opportunities

Most of the time, customers look for limited services. Hence, to collaborate, formulate, and adjust to meet the goals, shipping and logistic businesses will need logical, data-driven, and transparent software like CRM. The highly increasing need for a 360-degree review influences the overall profitability and cost of doing business. The CRM software increases the forecasting accuracy and sales by improving the visibility for planning and delivering the goods. This mechanism enables sales optimization.

Pushing through rate hikes

Customers always seek an affordable service; in this case, low-cost delivery or no delivery charges. This may increase the burden on the shipping and logistic companies and may result in wrong internal decisions. The CRM software automates the entire process of customer segmentation, targeting feedback, communications, service delivery performance, capacity allocation, etc.


Even after the Covid-19 situation has been sorted, the businesses are still struggling to normalise the situation and hence, are facing difficult end-market conditions. Hence, for the sake of maintaining their revenues, businesses are trying to focus more on the existing customers rather than acquiring new customers.

The shipping and logistics businesses are also going through the same phase. Therefore, to maintain a positive and sustainable relationship with their customers, the shipping and logistics businesses need to start investing in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions. It can certainly help the shipping and logistic businesses to reach customer insights, increase work productivity, profitability, etc.

The CRM solutions will help the shipping and logistic businesses improve data quality, transparency, visibility, forecast accuracy, etc. As a result, businesses will be able to work out through their advanced capabilities consistently. Informatrix offers Salesforce solutions to businesses worldwide. To know more, visit their website today!